Adolescent Transport

Adolescent Transport Service

Parents dealing with a teenager in crisis are faced with many difficult decisions. Deciding on the appropriate treatment program and how to get your teenager to this program is the beginning of these difficult decisions.

Facility Program Transport

Adolescent Transports & Crisis PreventionĀ Parents dealing with a teenager in crisis are faced with many difficult decisions. Deciding on the appropriate treatment program and how to get your teenager to this program is the beginning of these difficult decisions.

Transport agencies typically referred to as Escorts, play integral role in the process. (MASI) My Armor Services Incorporated is empathetic to the feelings of the parents and the teenā€™s themselves offering support and guidance throughout this difficult time. While recognizing the childā€™s sense of individuality and dignity we introduce firm boundaries and our expectations of your child during this journey. It is our goal during each intervention to avoid physical encounters by utilizing various management of aggressive behavior skills and de-escalating the situation verbally.
Once you have chosen the school or program for your child, MASI will make all the necessary travel arrangements to get your child to their destination quickly and safely. Based on the needs of the child and the family, special arrangements may be needed to make this transition.

Our Agents are also Personal Protection Officersā€¦.some of us have been through the same trying times with our own children, and can certainly understand and respect the difficult decisions you have had to make. It is for this reason that during this difficult transition, Agents regularly contact the parents.

We do not have any affiliation to adolescent programs and do not take or give kickbacks or referral fees for any adolescent intervention transport. Nor are we under any contractual agreement with any organization or program. Although we have a close working relationship with many of the adolescent programs.

Our Obligation is to you and your family

Rarely will an adolescent respond favorably to being placed in a treatment program. Positive and safe transportation assistance becomes necessary when overt resistance (i.e. violent behavior, flight, etc.) to a placement is anticipated. MASI is very sensitive to the needs of the adolescent and the family.

What to do to get started:

Once the decision has been made to transport your child to a school or program we will require you to fill out the transport information form for your child. This is issued directly to you by email. This will provide us with pertinent information on who best to send to escort your child to their new school or treatment center. Once this is done please call the phone number located on the website and an Agent will answer any questions. We then will go over the procedures for transport and get to know more about your child. The itinerary for the transport will be gone over and finalization of any plans made. It is very important that your child is not made aware of your plans as the chance for them to run greatly increases.

The Transport:

The Agents will get the child dressed and take them directly out to the car. They will be placed in the back seat with the child locks on and one Agent will sit beside them. At this time we will proceed to the school. It is our policy to expedite the transportation, reaching the final destination as quickly as possible. We will call the parents as soon as we have delivered the child to the program and give a full report to the parents on the behavior and demeanor of your child during the transport. It is our policy that the child has no outside contact until they arrive at the program, so please no cell phones or video games. It is very important for us to remove the child from the surroundings that they are comfortable in as quickly as possible. This makes them more dependent on the Agents and less likely of an attempt to run. All airline reservations and transport time lines are made with this in mind. Our Agents will explain the program or school to your child to alleviate any fears they might have. The Agents will also coach your child on the proper attitude and outlook they should have for the program they are going to attend.

We try to treat each transport as a “road trip” including snacks and meals. Our transport teams carry portable DVD players to make the time pass more quickly for your child. My Armor Services Incorporated are parents too, your child will be in good hands.

If you have questions about hiring the contracted services of My Armor Services Incorporated, Please keep in mind all contracting Agents are Private Investigators, Personal Protection Officers, or Peace Officers. We understand this is an important decision and we are available 24hr / 7 days a week.

When We Arrive at Your Home:

We are able to obtain children at any time and location. However, the procedure that works best and is our standard operating procedure is to arrive at the childā€™s residence early in the morning or very late at night to insure that the youth is at home, preferably in bed. The parents should meet the Agents at the front door with the clothes for the child to wear during the transport, any luggage, our paperwork, fee and contracts for the school, if applicable. These items will be placed in the car. You will then take the Agents back to the childā€™s room, wake the child up and introduce the Agents and tell them that you love them and that the Agents are there to take them to school. The parents should then go to a part of the house as not to be seen by the child. This allows full attention of the child to the Agents. We have no problem with the parents listening in just so long as they are out of the presence of the child.

Our Mission Statement

My Armor Services Incorporated is a dedicated team of professionals who strive to make each intervention/transport, positive, secure, and most of all a safe.
It is our mission to treat your child with Respect, Dignity, Relationship, Resolve, Hope, Resolution, Motivation, and Love. That in the moment of critical exchange they were treated with respect, dignity, and love and that they arrive to their designated program safely and in a positive frame of mind.